Why not add some rocket fuel to your brand to give it the boost you know it deserves? Now is the next best time to invest in your brand to see returns down-the-line. The best time would have been last year or even yesterday!
When new clients join Brandright we invariably hear their marketing war stories. Brands getting it hopelessly wrong and unfairly classifying marketing activity as an expense rather than the asset or investment it ought to be. From brands spending hundreds of thousands of rands on new websites that don’t generate any leads to brands spending millions of rands ineffectively connecting with their customers. We’ve been asked to perform a rebrand exercise when a sales strategy was in fact required. We’ve been asked to develop an expensive radio campaign when a more modest digital campaign would have more than sufficient. We’ve seen clients advertise the wrong message, to the wrong target market, using the wrong channels, in the wrong way – that a waste!
There are many ways to get your marketing and advertising activities working harder for you – giving you a sustainable brand boost. The challenge is selecting the right options available. Every client is unique – their history, product portfolio, leadership team, target market, geographic region, life stage, competitor set, and future ambitions all play a significant role.
Thankfully we’ve worked with over 150 individual clients which has enabled us to experience a wide plethora of marketing-related problems and opportunities. Based on learned experience and expertise, Brandright will aim to diagnose where the problem or challenge lies. Is it a brand challenge? Is it a communication challenge? Are internal stakeholders compounding issue? Are external agencies and suppliers helping or hindering the situation? Are you taking advantage of changing market conditions; are you leveraging all presented opportunities?
Based on what we determine, we may need to refine your brand positioning or key message you’re communicating with the market. We may need to give your visual identity a polish or complete overhaul, resulting in an updated logo and style guide to keep your look and feel consistent and professional. Your packaging or point-of-sale collateral may be the guilty parties holding you back from achieving your ambitions. We may need to give your website an update or a total revamp. We may need to write a communication strategy or conceptualise a creative campaign or produce some brand building advertising or run a hard-working, lead-generating digital campaign. A successful brand boost comes in all shapes and sizes but determining what is required and then implementing it correctly, makes all the difference.
It’s in your best interest, as well as Brandright’s best interest, to determine the ultimate approach. If you see improvements, if you see the value we bring to the party, and if you enjoy the whole experience, we’ll invariably do more together, bigger things, for longer. That is our intention with each and every client engagement. It’s not a quick spurt of activity to push the needle but rather a much more long term mutually-beneficial relationship. So perhaps “brand boost” is a misleading term. We take immense pride when clients’ extend campaigns, add additional new projects to the scope of work, leave glowing Google Reviews, involve us with their affiliated brands and introduce us to totally new unrelated clients.
With so many good options to choose from, we’ll help you determine what needs to be done and in what priority order. This is your unique brand boost which will take you from good to great. Done right, your marketing efforts will transition from a painful expense to a joyful investment, resulting in positive ROI and brand growth. If you win, we win. If you grow, we grow.
Why not complete the contact form below so we can schedule a 30min Teams call to discuss your specific marketing challenges and ambitions?
Just imagine the possibilities if Brandright could get your brand right too.
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